Artist, Dennis Mathewson’s Cosmic Tiki NFT project is an array of his unique collection of signature style art that he has personally selected, created, manipulated and enhanced himself. Many of the NFT images feature new creations with several showcased from his iconic timeless collection resulting from decades of painting.
These new NFT Non-Fungible Tokens of his art are now available on various platforms.
About the Artist
Dennis Mathewson's artistic journey began in early childhood in the 1960’s as his passion for creating art advanced and evolved through the years while mastering many art forms such as; drawing, painting, carving and airbrushing to name a few. As a young adult this talented entrepreneur operated his own custom commercial automotive painting business which included: hand painted graphic design and layout, murals, pinstriping and lettering on vehicles and many other surfaces.
In the early 1990’s, he invested in an Apple Performa and discovered that Adobe Photoshop was an exciting new frontier with his art.
He really discovered his calling as he shifted into the fine art world and created thousands of original pieces with many published as limited-edition prints. These original artworks in large files were photographed in high resolution resulting in a large catalog of his work in file ready form.
He has been revisiting the entire cataloged images in addition to creating fresh new works in digital form with some digitally enhanced with movement and light animation thus bringing his art to life.